Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Effect of Website Speed on Search Rankings

What will be your first reaction to a slowly loading website? To get out of it immediately and go for the next on the list, right? Well, that will almost be the reaction of all the netizens of this advanced internet age, when processing speeds beat that of the light itself.

So, that means, it is a proven fact that, having a slower website is not an option at all, and can be quite detrimental to our search engine rankings. When a visitor enters your website and finds it slow in both processing and loading speed, they might just find another option to check out for. Although it is quite natural, it may result in you, as a slow website, losing a customer and your competitor gaining one.

A steady decrease in customers rate can, over a time period, seriously affect your search engine ranking, and thereby, your business prospects. Even with excellent keyword search, digital marketing techniques and all other magical works, if you manage to make visitors interested, unless he or she lands on your site, your SERP rate is left hanging in the air. You need them to step on the website, stay for a few minutes to check out what you have on offer, to convince them to turn into customers.  All this is not possible, with a website running at a slower speed.

What one needs is a best variety of web hosting, to speed things up as well as a regular checking of servers and other paraphernalia associated with the technical sides of your website maintenance, to have an error free and fast working of your website.

So, before the speed affects your business prospects, act fast to rectify every technical snag and problems related to your server and experience a good inflow of prospective customers all year round.

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